Bertie and Bercie

So this is Bertie Betty Freebird Craig. He's a boy Budgie. I rescued him off of Swap n Shop where someone was giving him away because they had brought him home thinking he was a girl "Betty" and he turned out to be a boy and they did not want him anymore. Hence "Freebird". I named him Bertie. He's a super sweet little feathered angle. He falls off his perch sometimes at night when it is dark. I think he falls asleep so deeply he just topples off his perch. The other day he had a "blood feather" and I panicked and phoned the "Powell River Bird Lady" Powell river is small. If you do something in particular you run the risk of being named for that one thing. I used to sell homemade preserves at the farmers market and for a while I became the "Jam Lady" It's the truth. Odd place Powell River.

Anyway, the "Bird Lady" said it that the "blood feather" was nothing to worry about. But she and I got chatting about Bertie and she suggested he should have a boyfriend. Budgies are social people and they get lonely. She said not to get a Lady Bird as the chances of her accepting Bertie as "Her Man" were very slim and if she decided she didn't like him she would beat him to a pulp. I can relate. So I got a boy...
Bercie. Meet Berties new boyfriend Ivey Bercilak Craig. Bercie is twice the size of Bertie and has a great big head. I think he looks a lot like Johnny Bravo. Do you remember that cartoon? Bercilak means "the Green Knight" in Scots Gaelic.  Ivey can be a girl or a boys name. So, Ivey "the Green Knight" Craig. Isn't he lovely? He's a show bird. Bertie and Bercie look very different. Bertie is smaller, smoother with a small head and slim build. Bertie is bigger and brawny with a great big head. Bertie is an American Budgie and Bercie is an English Budgie.
Bercies eyes look smaller and more almond shaped. His coloration is called Dark Normal Green. He has a turquoise bum. The boys get along sweetly. The sleep and eat close together. They are getting along well. The cats love the new bird. They stare at the boys constantly. Peaches is a little less attentive. But she does yip excitedly when I feed them or do anything where I am paying them close attention. Peaches is a jealous little thing.
 I have been experimenting with some baking. I made brown bread. I grew up eating homemade bread. It's so much better than store bought. I have been making white flour potato bread and it is delicious! I have discovered that I really enjoy the process of making bread. I like watching it rise. It's kind of fun. Seeing if it is going to work. The most involved recipe I have tried was a sour dough rye that took three days. You make multiple sour dough sponges with that one. I put olives and rosemary in it. It was really, really good. This in the picture is super simple. It's my usual potato bread recipe with brown flour added. It came out really nice n soft and fluffy.
The other thing I made was this chocolate layer cake. It has been maybe two decades since I made a layer cake. I do own a Staffordshire cake stand though. I never used it for cakes. I used it to display jewelry. I think it looks better with the cake on it. I'm not doing to much jewelry these days. But look at my cake! It is a chocolate banana cake with peanut butter butter cream icing. It was so good! Super moist. I kind of fudged the recipe to suit myself. I doubled the amount of bananas and chocolate and added extra oil. Olive oil instead of shortening. So it was super moist and spongy. I have never made a peanut butter butter cream before. That was interesting. Odd texture. But super yummy! I really like peanut butter and chocolate together. It's a winning combo for sure.
 Facebook has all these faces just like snapchat now. I like to make faces for my friend Gaye on messenger. They are cute. In these ones you can see the yellow rose she gave me at lunch the other day. I put it in my hair and then sent her pictures. Just another technology rabbit hole... I swear I waste more time making silly faces. What an strange world we live in these days. I seldom ever talk on the phone anymore. I text almost exclusively. It seems strange to talk on the phone. I think there are only two people I talk on the phone to left in my life. I get annoyed if my phone rings. I never answer. I just see who called and then avoid calling back. Or I text them. Text is great. So noncommittal. Oh my goodness. Thats probably going to sound odd but I bet you all do it too. Technology is destroying society. We are loosing the desire to connect with people directly.
On that bright and hopeful note. I'd just like to smile at you and say "GoodDay"


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