1am Damn Cat

Up again! This time 1 am thanks to my lil bastard cat Roanen. Roanen is a character. He wears clothes. He has too. He aggressive grooms himself. So I keep him dressed in little baby t-shirts to keep him from licking himself down past the skin to open wounds. I will have to post a picture of him in his lil t-shirts.

Here is a picture of my vintage jewelry from today... in the background you can see one of my older paintings. I collect a lot of jewelry. I also make jewelry. Various kinds. So I have an inordinate amount of the stuff. Sometimes I like to wear tones of it at once, so that eventually every piece get a chance to go out for a walk. 

So I took pictures of  the window at GBOW. This one is of me and the owner Roisin. It's always wierd to see myself in photo's but I am trying to be less uptight about it. Hard to tell by the expression on my face. The little dress I am wearing is one of my hand sewn pieces that I made from a Tina Givens pattern. Vintage cotton fabric, you can see it better in the above photo. The edges are finished in vintage kimono fabric. I didn't knit the sweater. It's a lovely hand knit wool sweater that I got in the thrift store and over dyed using the acid dyes I use for my hand spun art yarn and hand dyed sock yarn. 
 in this one you can see my hand woven rug made from my hand dyed yarn. I made this on my little table top Leclerc Dorothy loom. Which I don't have anymore. I found a loving home for her. I now have a larger four harness Jack loom by Leclerc called Minerva. She's so beautiful. I have not woven on her yet as I have to get help learning to put my first warp on because she has a backbeam like nothing I have ever seen before. Hard to find time for all the different mediums I like to create in and work too.
 This is one of my paintings from my first series in this new style. It's the last one I have from this series. All the others have sold now. I really love how it came out. It's a west coast landscape. I don't know if I really want it to sell. I find it hard to part with every painting I make. They all have such unique things in them. Places and spots that I love so much it's hard to imagine never seeing them again. In this one it's the red nail polish throws. Like big streaks of blood in the sky. And the clouds. Love those too.  
It was hard to get decent photos with my iphone. The sun was reflecting off the glass which has a slightly mirror finish on it. so I took a picture from the side here.

So far the gallery only has a few people in it. The other artist in the window display is Adam Cramb. A local artist who does multi-media pieces. We also have a young first nations girl named Felicia Joseph who does the most amazing abstract paintings. And Belinda Fogarty who does abstracts also. So things are coming together slowly, not to bad considering we only started looking for artists a few days before we opened! With all the chaos of moving it just got left to the last minute. 

Spring finally feels like it's here and I am loving watching my garden come to life. I have a very neglected tiny garden. In my tiny yard. It goes with my tiny house. It's been a challenge getting it going all by myself. I have been getting a lot of advice from my Mother who has a huge gorgeous garden. I'm right across the street from the sea. I have found this to be a mixed blessing for the garden. Some things just don't like the salt air and the high winds. But my roses love it. My Honeysuckle is going nuts too. Veggies hate it here. Also I am faced with an absolute army of slugs that come visiting from the forests all around me. I have discovered they can mow down a whole bed of my seedlings to nothing in one night. I've tried everything I can think of and have it on good authority that the only solution is to go out at dawn and dusk commit mass slug murder. I have not done this. Not yet... 


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