A new start

Ok so I started this this morning and had to start over. Had to change the name of my blog. I realized when I opened it on my computer, instead of my ipad, that I had made some major spelling errors!!! So I corrected them. Sort of. I don't speak Latin you see so I was struggling a little with my spelling. Then I just decided to invent my own. Hence Bombuses! Bumblebees. I'm sure that's a completely made up word but it's how I imagine it to be. So my 4am start is now a mid afternoon start.

I named my blog after the indigenous bumblebees here where I live. I love them. I love all bees but particularly honey bees and bumblebees. The bumblebee is endangered these days but there used to be tones of them when I was young. They are so cute and... FLUFFY! I sincerely want to keep honey bees but my family objects due to the fact that I am allergic to their venom. Before I knew this I once captured a swarm of honey bees that landed on my farm. I tried to make a home for them. But they all flew away. Perhaps a good thing... 

This morning I posted a picture of one of my older paintings. I have added that to the top of this page. She is a candle flame spirit. But now that I am on my computer I thought I would add some pictures of my latest painting and you can see how different they are and how my style has developed into something quite new. 

This painting is hard to photograph with my ipad. Its is metallic and has found objects and sparkles and nail polish as well as small painted spirits. There is a Kelpie, a Selkie and a Mermaid. It is not finished yet. I still have to paint in the sparrows. Then wait for them to dry. Then coat it in a hard finish to protect the surface. This style has lots of layers. I paint a layer. Wait for it to dry. Then the next layer and so on. It is called "Love is a Puzzle"

I also Thought I'd put up a picture of my dreads. I have woven in dreads. This picture of me was taken by my friend Suzie who has been doing my hair for 25 years. I do a lot of strange things to my hair and Suzie is my collaborator and total hero because without her ability to visualize whatever odd thing I have come up with "this time" I would never be able to come up with these colorful creations. So I am deeply grateful to her. And it's so much fun! We have a great time doing all these unusual colors, cuts, and weaves. People always ask me if they are heavy. No. And how do I wash them. In the bathtub. Just like everyone else washes their hair. And I like to perfume them slightly. 

You can see one of Suzie's paintings on the wall. She also paints gorgeous huge floral's. Which totally blows my mind because Suzie is completely blind in one eye and has no depth perception! I totally admire her skill. She cuts hair with no depth perception too. Think about how hard that must be!

Alright so this is the beginning of a new blog. I hoping to post lots of pictures and things. It will take a while to get it the way I want. I'm hoping to post about my work too. I'm involved in a little tiny wool shop that just moved to a new space and we are now a Gallery and Boutique too. I designed the window dressing and displays and will be participating in the curation of the Gallery. So I am super excited. It's so fun. Keeps me busy. The shop is called Great Balls of Wool. I am planning to link everything together at some point. 


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