A poem

Winter Poem

If I sit in this pallor of rain
Watching it freeze to the ground
Would that bring you down
To a place I could touch?
To the ground.
Like me.
So rooted here.
With my feet deep
In the sand.
My head lost in the rain.
Half frozen.
Eyes wide in disbelief.
Follow me frozen.
Follow me golden.
Follow me down.
To the ground.
Where my feet are planted deep in the dirt.
I sit upended.
Like patio tables in winter rain.
Waiting for summer again.
I keep waiting for you to touch me deep.
The heat of you breathing me.
Talking about faith and identity.
In a room full of shadows.
Shadows wearing the faces of everyone I have ever known.
You, unique among the masquerade
A masque of carnal grace and epic faith
In one thing all alone.
I kept believing
In you all night long
The living breath of the day
Light filled the room.

~Katrina Marie Craig


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