Silken Kitten

This is Silken. Silken is my second cat. I got Silken from an add on Powell River Things for Free. Technically you are not supposed to put living things on there. I saw this and went and got her because I was worried she would not find a home. She was absolutely the most darling kitten. I also got Silken for Roanen. He was about a year old when I brought Silken home. He was a terror to live with at that time. I had just moved from a little house in the woods to an apartment in town and Roanen was having trouble adjusting. So he was doing this thing were he would walk in the room. Crouch down in front of me and size me up. Then attack. He would run up the front of me and try to get my face. It was intimidating. I decided he needed something to think about besides himself. So I got him a baby to look after. It worked miracles. 

I brought Silken home and put her in my bedroom to adjust the first few days with the door closed. Roanen had to visit through the door. So he figured out how to open the door and let himself in her room. I could not keep him away from her. He absolutely adored her instantly. But I thought it best to be catious about socializing the two of them. Silken was so tiny. To keep Roanen out I had to tie the door shut by attatching a rope to the door knob then to the door knob across the hall. It was the only way to keep him from trying to bust her out of confinement. 

Silken was the sweetest most gentle tiny thing. She was very timid and did not like to be touched. Except by Roanen. They bonded so quickly I was amazed. And Roanen's whole attitude changed over night. No more attack charges. He was consumed by looking after his new baby. 

Silken has spots on her tummy and black souls on her feet. She is tabby with tiny Patches of Calico. She is so soft. So sweet. So gentle. Very timid. She hates to be picked up. But she loves to climb on my chest when I get in bed and put her face in my face. She purrs constantly. I have to admit Silken is somewhat spoiled. She almost never gets in trouble and doesn't know the meaning of the word discipline. Unlike Roanen whom I have to use the rattle can on more than I'd like. Silken has virtually never done anything to be disciplined for.  She steals Roanens Hypo-allergenic food. That's about it. First time in her whole life she ever got in trouble for anything! Well, except she gets yelled at for scratching my furniture. She is hell on furniture. Can reduce a cloth chair to rubble in a matter of weeks. So I have a leather sofa. She mostly leaves it alone. But she is bent on destroying my expensive bed. Has ripped a hole in it and climbs inside to hide and nap. Claws it all the time. We fight about that. 

I made a spirit doll of Silken. It's her when she was a kitten. Big ears. Big nose. She was gawky and adorable.


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