Tiny House

 This is my tiny yard. It goes with my tiny house. My house is not actually a genuine tiny house. It is not on wheels or anything. Here in Canada it would have to be on wheels to qualify as a real tiny house. My house is small. I think it is about 800 square feet. It has two bedrooms, living room, bathroom, kitchen and mud room. It's very sweet and I love it dearly. It's so cute. It's the perfect size for me. I have a room for a studio and a small yard. It's not to much to look after. I think if my yard were any bigger it would be too much for me all by myself. I have a nice little truck now to bring home things for the garden. Im set.

 Look at my lawn flowers! They are so nice this year! It has taken me three years to get them to really flourish. The bulbs were a little disappointing this year. I plan to fertilize my whole lawn this winter to try to get more flowers out of them. I have planted hundreds of bulbs in my lawn. I love the effect of the tiny green lawn under my big tree with tones of flowers coming up through it in the spring.
 Here you can see my blueberry bushes al in a row. They are doing really well. You can see my arbour that I had put in too. The Honeysuckle is covering it nicely this year. Last year I planted an orange climbing rose beside it too. It's not climbing yet but it is still small. It seem like it is slower growing than my red rose on the trellis at my back door. 
 This side garden is where i had my veggie beds. Raised ones. But i have had no luck protecting my veggies from the hoards of ravenous slugs that come from the woods all around to plague me. Also the buttercup is a losing battle! All together I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by my experiments in gardening. This year I am going to try not to add anything new but just get control of all the things I planted over the last couple years. Weed. Fertilize. Prune. I would like to plant a couple fruit trees along the outside border of my fence one of the days. 
 This in the front of my tiny house. As you can see it is super cute and little. I painted the front porch and put up the white trellis. The trellis has three vines growing on it. One day it will be dense with green vines. It is taking a couple years to get established. I like low maintenance gardening. I like to plant hardy bushes and such and then just watch them grow. The less picky little things to do the better.  In the above photo you can see my pink pig planter. It is welded out of old buckets and propane a propane tank. I love it. It has a Magnolia planted in it... for now. I call her Maggie the Magnolia. 

This is the inside of my front porch. I plant Begonias in that basket every year and they bloom well into November. I have a collection of wind chimes that are always tinkling away in the background and one big wind chime in the tree that has a much deeper louder tone. As well as my skeleton that hangs in the tree. Along with various tea pots. The skeleton just looks cool but the tea pots were supposed to function as bird nests. That doesn't work. I have two bird feeders in the tree as well. I mostly only feed the birds in winter though. 

 This is my little bird bath. It is in my raspberry patch. It is super cute. I have never seen a bird bathing in it but it's there if they want it. It also serves as a watering dish for the Bees though mainly I have tones of Hornets and Wasps here. I had to take down my hummingbird feeds as they became primarily Hornet feeders and I am deathly sensitive to Hornets. I got badly stung once and nearly died. So my family insisted I get rid of the Hummingbird feeders. I also carry and epi-pen. 
 I painted my doors blue. I love this colour of blue. I have it inside my house too on the walls. With darker Turquoise on the furniture. I have sixties vintage furniture. It looks cute. I guess I like cute. I seem to go with that cute tiny cottage feel. The Rose on the trellis is ten feet tall this year. Or more. It loves this spot. It is called Don Juan and gets scented blood red roses. I love it. The raised bed  back here is a herb garden. 
This is my arbour. I had it made just to fit this gate. It is Cedar. I love it so much. The yard was a bare patch go earth with big old shrubs shading everything the I started. I had those old shrubs removed to let light into the yard. I have planted everything you see. Put in all the raised beds. All the garden beds are mine. I planted the Honeysuckle on this Arbour about three years ago. It is just starting to get it's feet under it. You should see it this year. I take new photos every year. I can't wait to see how it blooms this year. It is getting really big!


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